
More Than 1,000+ Science-Based Articles.

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3 positive psychology exercises

Download 3 Free Positive Psychology Exercises (PDF)

Enhance wellbeing with these free, science-based exercises that draw on the latest insights from positive psychology.

Extinction in Psychology

The Role of Extinction in Psychology & Behavior Change

The role of extinction in psychology has been discussed by researchers for more than 100 years and remains vital and relevant in understanding our learning [...]

Student Wellbeing

Improving Student Wellbeing: 16 Tools & Resources

Wellbeing: happiness and success? Or good physical and mental health? What is the crux of wellbeing for a student? There is no question regarding the [...]

How to epxress emotions

How to Express Emotions: 12 Ways to Communicate Feelings

Emotions are an integral part of being human. They guide our interactions, influence our decisions, and shape our sense of self. However, expressing emotions can [...]


25 Self-Reflection Questions: Why Introspection Is Important

Contrary to what people might think, introspection is not a form of self-absorbed navel gazing. Introspection is a type of self-reflection that is the foundation [...]

Emotional Regulation

Emotional Regulation: 5 Evidence-Based Regulation Techniques

Emotions are integral to the human experience, shaping our reactions, decisions, and overall wellbeing. Emotional regulation refers to the ability to influence which emotions we [...]

Introversion vs. Extroversion

Introvert vs Extrovert: Understanding the Spectrum

By nature, I’ve always sought out quiet places where I can experience the joy of deep conversation or academic study and focus. I’ve also benefited [...]

What is codependency

What Is Codependency? 20 Signs & Symptoms

As a business and technology consultant for many years, I witnessed various instances of codependency in the workplace. While codependency often presents itself in therapeutic [...]

Emotional Blackmail

What Is Emotional Blackmail? Examples & How to Deal With It

Since becoming a psychologist, I’ve become acutely aware of how easily people fall into patterns of emotional blackmail, especially when the stakes are high. Hasn’t [...]

How to be mentally strong

How to Be Mentally Strong & Build Mental Toughness

As a vital element of my doctorate research into human performance, I spoke to many mentally strong endurance athletes. What set them apart was their [...]

The benefits of goal setting

The Importance, Benefits, and Value of Goal Setting

Having spent 15 years earlier in my career as a technology consultant driving transformative change for large financial corporations, I’ve witnessed firsthand both the power [...]