More Than 1,000+ Science-Based Articles.
Welcome to the blog, home to a wealth of science-based resources for helping professionals. Learn and apply the latest insights in the field to help more people enjoy optimal wellbeing and a state of flourishing.
Group Therapy: How To Provide Effective Sessions
Although one-on-one sessions are the foundation of my practice, I find that group therapy is a very powerful approach. Group therapy allows for multiple dimensions [...]
5 Self-Sabotaging Worksheets For Your Clients
We can be our own worst enemy. In my experience as a mental health therapist, I have noticed that despite having clear goals and big [...]
Overcoming Hopelessness with 6 Positive Coping Strategies
As professionals dedicated to fostering wellbeing and resilience, we often encounter clients grappling with profound feelings of hopelessness. Helping them navigate through the haze of [...]
7 Student Engagement Strategies for Improved Learning
Just because a student is not throwing spitballs and shouting out does not guarantee that they are truly engaged in learning. Having been in education [...]
Sleep Anxiety & Its Impact on Mental Health
The mysteries of sleep are endless. During the subconscious state of human existence, a lot is actually happening: Human growth hormone is released, allowing our [...]
TMS: Exploring Transmagnetic Stimulation & Its Effectiveness
Depression is projected to be the leading global disease burden by 2030, surpassing cancer and heart disease (Malhi & Mann, 2018). Research indicates that 1 [...]
Courage: An Essential Virtue for Authentic Living
Brené Brown’s (2012) book Daring Greatly is a sensation. Its title, however, could be seen to highlight a common misconception about courage: that it is [...]
What Is Moral Development? Exploring Kohlberg’s 6 Stages
When we witness stories of injustice, unfairness, bravery, or extreme kindness on social media, we rightly experience a range of emotions, from outrage to compassion [...]
Developing Emotional Maturity: 11 Methods & Worksheets
We all like to think that we’re emotionally mature, but are we really? Having the courage to take an unbiased look at where we may [...]
Overcoming Trauma Bonding: 8 Strategies & Exercises
A young woman tries to save her father from a monster in a castle by sacrificing herself as a captive instead. She becomes his prisoner. [...]