
Resilience & Coping

Resilience is often described as the ability of the individual to bounce back after having experienced hardship. Resilience is mostly based on personal strengths, resources, and psychological capital.

How to be mentally strong

How to Be Mentally Strong & Build Mental Toughness

As a vital element of my doctorate research into human performance, I spoke to many mentally strong endurance athletes. What set them apart was their [...]

Trauma Bonding

Overcoming Trauma Bonding: 8 Strategies & Exercises

A young woman tries to save her father from a monster in a castle by sacrificing herself as a captive instead. She becomes his prisoner. [...]

Generational Trauma

Breaking Generational Trauma With Positive Psychology

Generational trauma, the enduring legacy of past adversities that reverberates through familial lines, presents profound challenges to mental and emotional wellbeing. Within the realm of [...]

Vicarious trauma

Vicarious Trauma: The Silent Impact on Therapists

Vicarious trauma refers to the impact of repetitive encounters with indirect trauma while working as a helping professional. Most clients who attend psychotherapy will share [...]

Complex PTSD

CPTSD: Understanding Complex Trauma & Its Recovery

As we face the worrying increase of environmental events, pandemics, and wars across the globe, the topic of trauma is extremely relevant across various contexts. [...]

Childhood trauma tests

9 Childhood Trauma Tests & Questionnaires

Childhood trauma is a difficult topic to navigate. We don’t like to think, or talk, about children being hurt. But if we’re working with clients [...]

Childhood trauma in adults

Childhood Trauma & Its Lifelong Impact: 12 Resources

Childhood trauma casts a long shadow, shaping the lives of individuals long after the events themselves have passed. As therapists, understanding the profound impacts of [...]

Window of tolerance

Expanding the Window of Tolerance: 6 PDFs & Worksheets

In 2019, 970 million people worldwide were struggling with stress, anxiety, and mental health issues (World Health Organization, n.d.). Given these soaring numbers, many individuals [...]

Mental toughness in young athletes

Boosting Mental Toughness in Young Athletes & 20 Strategies

Mental toughness is not about being the loudest and brashest athlete on the sports field, pitch, track, or in the pool. Instead, mental toughness is [...]

Unhealthy coping mechanism

10 Most Common Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms: A List

Life entails a wide tapestry of different experiences. Some of those are pleasant, some sad, others challenging. Coping mechanisms are the ways we respond to [...]

3 Resilience Exercises Pack