Self Esteem
Here you will find articles about self-esteem, self-confidence, and self-care as well as important research findings and useful or/and interesting insights on these topics.

20 Creative Self-Care Activities for Groups
Let’s be honest; the world today is quite chaotic. Self-care has never been more critical in an age when we have had to deal with [...]

Self-Esteem Research: 20 Most Fascinating Findings
Self-esteem has fascinated psychologists for over one hundred years and is one of the most widely studied concepts in the social sciences (Bleidorn, Hufer, Kandler, [...]
The Self-Care Wheel: Wellness Worksheets, Activities & PDF
When Tess Kearns began to forget familiar faces and was only able to manage her daily activities with a to-do list – which she was [...]
Increase Clients’ Self-Love: 26 Exercises & Worksheets
Self-love – An essential human quality that is not narcissism, nor is it selfishness or indulgence. As Nestell Bovee said: “Both our first and last love [...]
Self-Esteem Journals, Prompts, PDFs, and Ideas
Healthy self-esteem gives you the freedom to be YOU and fully enjoy life. When we are comfortable with who we are, we can develop more [...]
How to Practice Self-Care: 10+ Worksheets and 12 Ideas
Self-care continues to be a popular buzzword. But while it persistently grabs headlines, it also remains a fuzzy concept. Though a relatively new phenomenon in [...]
Applying Self-Efficacy Theory: 15 Questionnaires & Surveys
The beliefs a person holds around their ability to handle situations, accomplish tasks, and achieve goals can be a strong determining factor in the success [...]
16 Self-Acceptance Exercises & Activities for Adults
We are all only human – beautiful but flawed creatures, simply trying to do our best. Yet we too often hold ourselves to impossibly high [...]
19 Self-Image Examples & Tools for a Positive Sense of Self
Our self-image is all about how we see ourselves. It gives us a sense of our personality and helps give us clarity and understanding about [...]
9 Self-Esteem Questionnaires (+Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale)
Stop whatever you are doing right now. On a scale from 1 to 10, how would you rate your self-esteem? If 1 means, “I’m a [...]