Positive Education
Positive education is an emerging branch of positive psychology. The aim is to integrate positive psychological practices into the educational system to enhance both learning and wellbeing at the same time.

12 Positive Psychology Coaching Certification & Trainings
The professional world of coaching has exploded in the last few years. Now more than ever, people are seeing the benefits of seeking out the [...]

What Is Positive Education, and How Can We Apply It? (+PDF)
All parents want the best for their children. They want their children to be happy and to flourish. They want them to live out their [...]
23 Top Positive Psychology Courses for a Fulfilling Career in 2024
Ever been interested in topics such as happiness, hope, strengths, or resilience? Ever wondered about the science behind these concepts, and the now popular trend [...]
How to Get a Ph.D. in Positive Psychology
Lately, we’ve been getting an increasing number of questions from people who want to pursue a PhD program in positive psychology (mostly after having finished [...]
Positive Reinforcement in the Classroom: 5 Useful Activities
It wasn’t too long ago that school-rooms were places of stern words and plentiful discipline. It was commonplace for teachers to favor harsh punishment over [...]
Positive Reinforcement in Psychology (Definition + Examples)
If you read our earlier piece on positive punishment, you know that there are different methods of teaching and instilling good habits and behaviors. One [...]
Positive Education Books: 18 Best Books for Teachers
Would you like your students to be resilient and motivated, have a healthy self-esteem, and treat others with kindness? This should be every educator’s goal [...]
Positive Psychology 1504: Harvard’s Groundbreaking Course
Harvard’s Positive Psychology 1504, taught by professor Tal Ben-Shahar Ph.D., will enter the books as the most popular course in the history of Harvard University. In the spring [...]