What is the Meaning of Neuroplasticity?
Neuroplasticity refers to the brain’s ability to adapt. Or, as Dr. Campbell puts it:
“It refers to the physiological changes in the brain that happen as the result of our interactions with our environment. From the time the brain begins to develop in utero until the day we die, the connections among the cells in our brains reorganize in response to our changing needs. This dynamic process allows us to learn from and adapt to different experiences”
Celeste Campbell (n.d.).
Our brains are truly extraordinary; unlike computers, which are built to certain specifications and receive software updates periodically, our brains can actually receive hardware updates in addition to software updates. Different pathways form and fall dormant, are created and are discarded, according to our experiences.
When we learn something new, we create new connections between our neurons. We rewire our brains to adapt to new circumstances. This happens on a daily basis, but it’s also something that we can encourage and stimulate.
A Brief History of Neuroplasticity

The term “neuroplasticity” was first used by Polish neuroscientist Jerzy Konorski in 1948 to describe observed changes in neuronal structure (neurons are the cells that make up our brains), although it wasn’t widely used until the 1960s.
However, the idea goes back even farther (Demarin, Morović, & Béne, 2014)—the “father of neuroscience,” Santiago Ramón y Cajal, talked about “neuronal plasticity” in the early 1900s (Fuchs & Flügge, 2014). He recognized that, in contrast to current belief at that time, brains could indeed change after a person had reached adulthood.
In the 1960s, it was discovered that neurons could “reorganize” after a traumatic event. Further research found that stress can change not only the functions but also the structure of the brain itself (Fuchs & Flügge, 2014).
In the late 1990s, researchers found that stress can actually kill brain cells—although these conclusions are still not completely certain.
For many decades, it was thought that the brain was a “nonrenewable organ,” that brain cells are bestowed in a finite amount and they slowly die as we age, whether we attempt to keep them around or not. As Ramón y Cajal said, “in adult centers, the nerve paths are something fixed, ended, immutable. Everything may die, nothing may be regenerated” (as cited in Fuchs & Flügge, 2014).
This research found that there are other ways for brain cells to die, other ways for them to adapt and reconnect, and perhaps even ways for them to regrow or replenish. This is what’s known as “neurogenesis.”
Neuroplasticity vs. Neurogenesis
Although related, neuroplasticity and neurogenesis are two different concepts.
Neuroplasticity is the ability of the brain to form new connections and pathways and change how its circuits are wired; neurogenesis is the even more amazing ability of the brain to grow new neurons (Bergland, 2017).
You can see how neurogenesis is a more exciting concept. It’s one thing to work with what we already have, but the potential to actually replace neurons that have died may open up new frontiers in the treatment and prevention of dementia, recovery from traumatic brain injuries, and other areas we probably haven’t even thought of.
The Theory and Principles of Neuroplasticity
Before we get too ahead of ourselves, let’s take a moment to look at the theory and principles underpinning neuroplasticity.
First, we should note that, although we have a fairly succinct definition of neuroplasticity above, the reality is a bit less well-defined. Neuroplasticity experts Christopher A. Shaw and Jill C. McEachern describe it this way:
“While many neuroscientists use the word neuroplasticity as an umbrella term, it means different things to researchers in different subfields… In brief, a mutually agreed upon framework does not appear to exist”
Shaw and McEachern write that there are two main perspectives on neuroplasticity:
- Neuroplasticity is one fundamental process that describes any change in final neural activity or behavioral response, or;
- Neuroplasticity is an umbrella term for a vast collection of different brain change and adaptation phenomena.
The first perspective lends itself to a single theory of neuroplasticity with some basic principles, and that research on the subject would contribute to a single, all-inclusive framework of neuroplasticity. The second perspective would require numerous different frameworks and systems to understand each phenomenon.
Unfortunately, there is still no unifying theory of neuroplasticity that I can lay out in simple terms here. All I can say with certainty is that this is still a young field and new findings are popping up every day.
What we do know right now is that there are two main types of neuroplasticity:
- Structural neuroplasticity, in which the strength of the connections between neurons (or synapses) changes.
- Functional neuroplasticity, which describes the permanent changes in synapses due to learning and development (Demarin, Morović, & Béne, 2014).
Both types have exciting potential, but structural neuroplasticity is probably the one that is more attended to at the moment; we already know that some functions can be rerouted, relearned, and re-established in the brain, but changes to the actual structure of the brain are where many of the exciting possibilities lie.
Neuroplasticity and Psychology

These new lines of research are exciting for neuroscientists, biologists, and chemists, but they are also exciting for psychologists.
In addition to changes in the way the brain works and functional adaptations, neuroplasticity offers potential avenues for psychological change as well.
As Christopher Bergland (2017) notes,
“One could speculate that this process opens up the possibility to reinvent yourself and move away from the status quo or to overcome past traumatic events that evoke anxiety and stress. Hardwired fear-based memories often lead to avoidance behaviors that can hold you back from living your life to the fullest.”
We already use medications and chemicals to change the way our brain works, and psychology has certainly put forth tons of effort to learn how to change the way the brain works through modifying our thought patterns. What if we really can make permanent, significant changes to our brain structure and function through simple activities that we often do in a normal day?
This is where the importance of learning comes in.
Neuroplasticity and Learning
The relation between neuroplasticity and learning is an easy one to surmise—when we learn, we form new pathways in the brain. Each new lesson has the potential to connect new neurons and change our brain’s default mode of operation.
Of course, not all learning is created equal—learning new facts does not necessarily take advantage of the amazing neuroplasticity of the brain, but learning a new language or a musical instrument certainly does. It is through this sort of learning that we may be able to figure out how to purposefully rewire the brain.
The extent to which we apply the brain’s near-magical abilities is also dependent on how invested we are in promoting neuroplasticity and how we approach life in general.
A Growth Mindset and Neuroplasticity
We’ve written about the growth mindset before, but we didn’t really connect the topic to neuroplasticity. The connection is an important one.
The concepts mirror each other; a growth mindset is a mindset that one’s innate skills, talents, and abilities can be developed and/or improved with determination, while neuroplasticity refers to the brain’s ability to adapt and develop beyond the usual developmental period of childhood.
A person with a growth mindset believes that he or she can get smarter, better, or more skilled at something through sustained effort—which is exactly what neuroplasticity tells us. You might say that a growth mindset is simply accepting the idea of neuroplasticity on a broad level!
Does Neuroplasticity Change with Age?
As you might expect, neuroplasticity definitely changes with age, but it’s not as black and white as you might think.
Neuroplasticity in Kids
Children’s brains are constantly growing, developing, and changing. Each new experience prompts a change in brain structure, function, or both.
At birth, each neuron in an infant’s brain has about 7,500 connections with other neurons; by the age of 2, the brain’s neurons have more than double the number of connections in an average adult brain (Mundkur, 2005). These connections are slowly pruned away as the child grows up and starts forming their own unique patterns and connections.
There are four main types of neuroplasticity observed in children:
- Adaptive: changes that occur when children practice a special skill and allow the brain to adapt to functional or structural changes in the brain (like injuries);
- Impaired: changes occur due to genetic or acquired disorders;
- Excessive: the reorganization of new, maladaptive pathways that can cause disability or disorders;
- Plasticity that makes the brain vulnerable to injury: harmful neuronal pathways are formed that make injury more likely or more impactful (Mundkur, 2005).
These processes are stronger and more pronounced in young children, allowing them to recover from injury far more effectively than most adults. In children, profound cases of neuroplastic growth, recovery, and adaptation can be seen.
Neuroplasticity in Adults
This ability is not absent in adults, but it is generally observed less than in children and at lower strengths; however, the adult brain is still capable of extraordinary change.
It can restore old, lost connections and functions that have not been used in some time, enhance memory, and even enhance overall cognitive skills.
The potential is generally not as great in older adults as it is in children and young adults, but with sustained effort and a healthy lifestyle, adults are just as able to promote positive change and growth in their brains as the younger generations.
To see some of the amazing ways that neuroplasticity can affect the adult brain, read on!
Research and Studies on Neuroplasticity

So what new things have we learned about neuroplasticity lately? As it turns out, quite a bit!
Here are some of the newest and most exciting developments in the field:
- Enriched environments (saturated with novelty, focused attention, and challenge) are critical for promoting neuroplasticity, and can provoke growth and positive adaptation long after the “critical learning period” of early childhood and young adulthood is over (Kempermann et al., 2002; Vemuri et al., 2014);
- “Newborn” neurons at eight weeks old and older neurons are generally at the same level of maturation (Deshpande et al., 2013);
- As few as ten one-hour sessions of cognitive training over five or six weeks have the potential to reverse the same amount of age-related decline that has been observed in the same time period (Ball et al., 2002);
- Physical activity and good physical fitness can prevent or slow the normal age-related neuronal death and damage to the hippocampus, and even increase the volume of the hippocampus (Niemann et al., 2014);
- Intermittent fasting can promote adaptive responses in synapses (Vasconcelos et al., 2014);
- Chronic insomnia is associated with atrophy (neuronal death and damage) in the hippocampus, while adequate sleep may enhance neurogenesis (Joo et al., 2014).
This is but a small selection of the recent findings on neuroplasticity (see Shaffer, 2016 to learn more), but it highlights the enormous potential impact of harnessing the power of neuroplasticity to improve health and wellbeing in humans.
What our readers think
In recovery groups they talk about how we need our rest. It’s when we’re tired that we’re more likely to relapse or delve into negative thoughts. So it makes sense from a neuroplasticity standpoint to get plenty of rest so that we’re more in control of our thought patterns.
Having taught ADHD as well as LD students for 7 years it was very enlightening to learn that neuroplasticity is an excellent therapy to use in working with ADHD students.
The day before my daughter was born, they told me that there was something wrong with her brain. She was found to have an absent corpus callosum. I looked for stories of this as a parent and educator and found nothing positive. I did however know already of the power of baby massage, crawling and movement, music and talking and reading to children. My daughter is 5 now and has absolutely no significant issues so far. Time will tell and she’s my own little experiment that no doctor seems to care about or document. I will never know if she was always going to be fine, despite my efforts…but I’m glad I did the work I did. She is linguistically far above average but so to is her now 2 year old brother, ( who has a corpus collosum!), making me even more certain that its the environment that has dictated their brain’s functionality more than anything else!
Thank you so much!!
Great article. Thank you. Three months ago I began using the Curable app to try to manage pain from generalised arthritis. Curable uses the principles of neuroplasticity. From being unable to walk up or down a roadside curb without holding onto a parked car I can now walk up and down 130 consecutive stairs. My chronic pain is now mostly discomfort. I wrote a blog about my experience at maureenhelen.com/brain-plasticity-new-science-and-chronic-pain
Is it strange that a middle-aged woman like me, who have no science background or whatsoever, enjoyed reading this article? Usually scientific terminologies like neuroplasticity intimidate people or referring to tons of studies and more articles tend to bore most of the readers. However, I must commend that the way this article was structured was simple and very informative to a regular people like me.
Good job Courtney and thank you!
Thank you very much, the article is very useful and helped me explore positive psychology.
Neuroplasticity describes how great God the creator is who gave us the gift of a great brain that makes us superior to other living things. The concept of neuroplasticity inspires us to continue to work and optimize our brains regardless of age and time. Just as the muscles that are trained more often will become stronger, so the more often our brain is used, the more healthy and strong it will be. We can continue to learn and think and produce positive things.
I also often use the concept of neuroplasticity in coaching sessions to help those who have great potential but have not been optimized so far. Those who because of environmental and educational factors, make them have bad habits and mindsets. I intensely accompany them to provide coaching and instill positive things in their minds. finally they can return to improve their habits and mindset as well as positive things in their lives.
Amen! Indeed, our God Creator is great and amazing!
Thanks so much for the great article. It added to my newly acquired knowledge on the subject.
I just found Neuroplasticity in several courses on Udemy. I find this subject fascinating. I have studied varied types of Psychology in college, but we never had this available. For me, a subject I study in-depth should teach me something about myself. In this case, it helped me re-examine some of my own patterns and thoughts, I didn’t even know were there.
I am adding this to my toolbox for Life Coaching. I think this will help many clients who have negative beliefs and thought patterns, and those who suffer from intermittent depressive and anxious episodes in their life. Will help boost self esteem and confidence too once the negative stuff gets replaced.
This is a great overview of neuroplasticity. I have a story to share demonstrating the power of neuroplasticity and the resilience of our brains.
My grandfather who never complained about anything started complaining of a constant headache. He gets MRI’d and he has a tumor the size of a grapefruit in his brain. Luckily he had the top neurosurgeon in the country to perform his surgery but it still took over 18 hours to finish the surgery. He was the smartest man I’d ever known before that but after having a grapefruit sized chunk of brain out it doesn’t perform at the same level after. He was actually the dean of the college of engineering at Sac State. I saw the worksheets he was doing afterwards and the questions were like “what animal says quack?” And he couldn’t come up with it. He never took a vacation so he had almost 18 months of sick leave he could rely on before he needed to find any type of work. He took that 18 months and developed new pathways to access the old information that was there. 18 months later he went back to teaching civil engineering at Sac State! It was incredible to witness.
That’s excellent news Billy and really lovely to hear! Which particular exercises particularly worked for your grandad to access his old information?
Neurogenesis has NOT been proved to exist in humans, only in animals.
Hi Liz,
Indeed, research on neurogenesis in humans is still emerging. Lucassen and colleagues (2020) have written a great review on the current state of play in this discipline. More research is certainly needed here, but the possibilities are very exciting for the treatment of diseases.
– Nicole | Community Manager
Hi Liz,
Studies by researchers at the Queensland Brain Institute have documented neurogenesis occurring in the hippocampus and the amygdala. See QLD Brain Institute, Emotion Processing Region Produces New Adult Brain Cells, 15th August 2017
Humans can never learn new processes?
So brain surgeons are just as good at neurosurgery at 1 month old as they are after graduating med school?