
Coaching & Application

Positive psychology coaching focuses on improving the (mental) wellbeing of a client by applying findings from the academic field of positive psychology.

Coaching Styles Explained: 4 Different Approaches

We don’t come ready-made, with all the skills we need. So, once we recognize the gaps or identify a goal we wish to direct our [...]

What Is the GROW Coaching Model? (Incl. Examples)

Coaching is a beautiful, collaborative process between coach and client. Being effective in this profession takes a certain amount of skill beyond being a good [...]

28 Coaching Techniques Confident Coaches Use

While coaching models and frameworks help provide structure to the practice, skilled and confident coaches draw from an arsenal of techniques. The most powerful coaches [...]

Coaching Philosophy: What It Is and How to Develop Your Own

Coaching comes in such wondrous variety, and so do the people who are lucky enough to work in this profession. Fortunately, most coaches get into [...]

73 Powerful Coaching Questions to Ask Your Clients

A powerful coaching question ignites the imagination of your client and helps them to overcome boundaries. Let me ask you these four questions right away: [...]

Resilience Coaching: 29 Helpful Tools and Techniques

It’s a demanding world out there. Adversity in health, family, work, or any area of your life could be right around the corner. Resilience consists [...]

coaching apps

18 Helpful Coaching Apps & Software to Upgrade Your Practice

Using apps and software designed for coaches can be a simple and smart way to digitize your business, improve work efficiency, and deepen client engagement. [...]

Must-Have Coaching Skills for Managers and Leaders

The old way of being a boss is over. Increasingly, businesses are forgoing an authoritarian leadership style for a more collaborative approach. Instead of honoring [...]

54 Inspirational Coaching Quotes and Do They Ring True?

Every coach will tell you that everyone needs a coach. Most coaches have a coach. Coaching allows us to fully process what is in our [...]

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Positive Psychology Coaching vs. Life Coaching: A Comparison

As coaches, we know how transformative the coaching experience can be for clients. Many people who seek coaching usually have some idea of an area [...]