
More Than 900+ Science-Based Articles.

Welcome to the blog, home to a wealth of science-based resources for helping professionals. Learn and apply the latest insights in the field to help more people enjoy optimal wellbeing and a state of flourishing.

3 positive psychology exercises

Download 3 Free Positive Psychology Exercises (PDF)

Enhance wellbeing with these free, science-based exercises that draw on the latest insights from positive psychology.

Servant Leadership

Servant Leadership: How to Transform Your Leadership Style

Servant leadership is a transformational leadership philosophy that puts the wellbeing and growth of others first. In times like ours, in which fostering engagement, enhancing [...]

7 Best Breathwork Techniques & Exercises to Use

‘Feeling stressed? Then just breathe.’ We all know that paying attention to our breath can have a soothing and calming effect. This simple practice of [...]

Psychological Safety

Psychological Safety & Positive Psychology: A Leadership Guide

Have you ever led a collaborative team meeting, only to be met with a deafening silence? Often, even with the best intentions, leaders struggle to [...]

Unhealthy coping mechanism

10 Most Common Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms: A List

Life entails a wide tapestry of different experiences. Some of those are pleasant, some sad, others challenging. Coping mechanisms are the ways we respond to [...]

Deep work

Deep Work: The Book, the Meaning & the Author

Have you ever experienced a working state characterized by heightened concentration, a flow-like state, and increased productivity? If so, then you engaged in ‘deep work’. [...]

Yoga Therapy

Yoga Therapy: The Healing Potential of Yoga

Yoga therapy is a form of yoga that can help people of all levels, abilities, and ages. It is rooted in the ancient practice of [...]

Mirror Neurons

Mirror Neurons and the Neuroscience of Empathy

Groundbreaking research in the 1990s discovered that “mirror neurons” fire whether monkeys perform an activity themselves or observe others engaging in it (Rizzolatti & Fabbri-destro, [...]

Nervous System Regulation

What Is Nervous System Regulation & Why Is It Important?

A cultural paradigm shift is happening in awareness of the mind-body connection. Ordinary people are talking about nervous system regulation. People are using “dysregulation” as [...]

Social and Emotional Learning

What Is Social–Emotional Learning? + Training Courses

The days of just teaching kids their ABC’s are long gone. Modern educators are tasked with the seemingly impossible responsibility of ensuring today’s youth are [...]

Employee engagement

Employee Engagement: Using Positive Psychology Strategically

Only 32% of US employees feel engaged at work, and worryingly only 23% of the global workforce feel engaged (Gallup, 2022b). A lack of employee [...]